I’ve been doing a lot more painting than posting-about-painting recently, and got it in my head to line up a lot of Menger objects I’ve made since last summer in one image file and use transparency to roughly average them. Here’s the result of futzing with that last night:
It’s an imperfect approach since I’m just using some rough napkin math to try (and I am certain fail) to keep the various layers approximately equally contributing to the final image. It’s 35 layers altogether, I think, a combination of paintings, drawings, sketches, papercraft, and photographs of actual 3D objects carved from soapstone and snow and cork.
I also put together an animated gif that steps rapidly through all of those individual images: it’s by nature a bit flashy so be warned before clicking through:
There are all quickie iPhone shots, and at some point I’ll set up a more proper lighting scenario to get better photographs of in particular the paintings. But it was pretty fun (in a tedious way) to line these all up last night and see the contrast in style married to the consistency of form.